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Friday, February 9, 2018

Decluttering Tips

Let's get a head start on Spring Cleaning!

With the start of the new year, some people are dieting and exercising.
Well, why not also try to declutter your life and home.
Start small, one space at a time.
Maybe your children's closet or your closet. The children's toys, or even the pantry.
These questions below are the perfect way to begin.

Ask Yourself:
Have I used or worn this in the last year?
Am I holding on to this for sentimental value?
Do I have a realistic plan to use this?
Does it fit me or my living space?
Am I holding on to this broken item to fix in the future?
Do I have a similar item that serves the same purpose?
Let your answers help decide what you do with each item.

Organize with Bins & Labels:
(Once you purge your unwanted items) 

Put Items Back:
Train yourself to put things back in their spot.
Once, you create a new home for something, remember to return it there after you are finished using it.

Declutter with the Present in Mind:
If you are holding on to something for "just in case" or if you think you will use it in future- it's time to get rid of it. 
In order to keep the clutter under control, you must also be thinking in the present mind. 

Schedule Your Donation Drop off:
Once you make your piles Keep/Trash/Donate,
make sure you take care of them right away. Neatly contained clutter is still clutter.

Try a 30 Day Challenge:

I definitely need to practice these tips myself.
We have a whole guest room that needs to be cleared out.
I have a slight problem letting go of furniture. It has gotten so bad, that we are keeping the bedroom door closed now- just so we don't have to see it!

So you know what I'll be working on very soon!

Cheers to decluttering!

images: Pinterest.com

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