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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Thrify Thursday: DIY T-Shirt Dress

This week we show you how to turn a frumpy t-shirt into a fabulous dress!
Watch this weeks vblog to learn how.

Check out Ann's blog for more detailed step by step instructions.
This Weeks Cocktail
Pink Margarita
1 1/2 oz. Tequlia
1/4 oz. Campari
1/2 oz. fresh lemon juice
1/2 oz. honey.
Add all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice, shake & serve on the rocks
(we would recommend that you drink with this Sprite or 7up, it was very strong without it)
Make sure to check back next week to see what else is up our sleves.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chaos & Cocktails: DIY Pouf

For our first video blog how to- we made a pouf, AKA a floor cushion.
Follow the steps below to make a yummy cocktail and your very own trendy pouf.
Not all cocktails have to be super fancy or expensive.
$10 Moscato Wine
A handful of frozen blueberries
& Cute glasses
You may remember- a couple posts ago I came across this tutorial from Design Sponge

1 yard of three coordinating fabrics (I used 100% cotton)
1 ½ yards of Muslin
2  1 ½ inch buttons
2 washers (just a little smaller than your buttons)
3 pounds of fiber fill
Upholstery needle
Sewing machine
Fishing line
Step One-
Download the template here
(Make sure to print on large enough paper- otherwise you will end up making a doll size pouf. We made ours 12” long- but would recommend doubling it instead.)

Step Two-
Fold fabric in half once
Place template on top.
Trace pattern onto fabric
(You need 8 pieces of fabric from each color) 

Step Three-
Repeat step two to muslin
(You need 24 pieces)

Step Four-
Once all your pieces are cut out- arrange in a pattern of your choice

(Seems easy enough right? But make sure to pay attention here, both Ann and I had a little trouble here. – We might have had one too many cocktail though- ops.)
Step Five-
Take one piece of fabric from your pattern and lay it face down on top of the piece to the right.
Add a piece muslin to the top and bottom of this pair and pin together along one side.
Step Six-
Sew along pined edge
Iron seam to one side
Repeat this to all the pieces

Step Seven-
Now start sewing all the pieces together.

Step Eight-
Lay your bottom portion of the pouf face up and the top portion face down (on top of each other)

Step Nine-
Pin together and sew
(Make sure to leave about 4”-6” open to stuff filling)

Step Ten-
Time for stuffing!

Step Eleven-
Hand sew the opening closed
For attaching washers and button, check out  Design Sponge (because I didn’t do this part so well)
Good luck on your pouf, I would love to see your finished product. Let me know if you have questions.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In the Spotlight: After Hours Chaos and Cocktails

I would like to introduce a new weekly segment that my friend Ann from The Rustic Redhead (check out her blog here therusticredhead.blogspot.com/ ) and I have just started.
It’s called
 After Hours Chaos and Cocktails
We will show how-to’s, new recipes, event planning, and more. Every week, you will be able to watch our videos and see step by step instructions on how to do it yourself.
Ann and I are both very excited about this project, and hope you will enjoy it as well.
If you have any ideas, questions of comments please feel free to leave them here, email us, or comment on our YouTube page.
Watch our first video below

Thank you everyone!
& Make sure to check back later this week for the how to on how we made this pouf.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Trending Now: Paisley Prints

Stella McCartney Summer 2012

When it’s hot in fashion- you know it will be popular in the realm of design also.
Paisley prints are making a come back, they can add color and whimsy to any space or outfit.

Metallic wallpaper- adds a touch of class

Bright, bold print to jazz up any room

A very subtle paisley patterned stool
Paisley bedding- Urban Outfitters

This fun print goes well anywhere- even a childs nursery

Remember to always have fun with design- all that matters is that you like it and it makes you happy.

Images Via: